
Toph 5.0

I don’t even know where to start with this guy, but in high school he was the last guy to leave a party and still getting 100% on tests. It didn’t make sense. I mean, one minute you are having a couple of drinks with him, and the next minute he is resolving conflict with a couple of pretzels, a puzzle piece, and a bottle cap.

That is the beauty of hanging out with Toph…you never know where the night will take you. One time we ended up on someones lawn at 2am just eating Old Dutch Salt & Vinegar chips. Another time we are out in Toronto getting our picture taken with Wayne Gretzky, just to steal his leftover beer after he left. It was like drinking out of the Stanley Cup and we both got Wayne’s cold as a result.

He is smooth on the ice, as well as the dance floor. I remember just before he moved away we had all gone out Scandals and we were cutting some tiles to the Hip (likely a request we had made for Paul Ratte’s birthday). A couple of birds came over and started dancing beside us and I remember Toph swooshing them away with hands like dust and telling them “I’m dancing with buddy, leave us alone”. Those moments meant something to Toph and it made me realize how important those friendships were to him.

Happy 50th Birthday my friend. Wish I was there to cut some tiles with you tonight and celebrate.

Sully 5.0

Scott Sullivan is my muse. Has been for a long time. That guy will get me thinking about something and the next thing you know I have been up all day.

I first starting noticing his creativity on the ice. He would craft these moves up in his garage and then finesse them out during a game. It could be as simple as adding a little more mustard on his passes or straight up toe drag feed through his legs to the backhand to beat the D. These “subtle tweaks” to his game spilled over into a YouTube Channel called “Top Shelf” that is a definate must see.

Eventually Scott and I got together for a little Podcast we called Daddy Mac N’ Cheese where we would sit around and talk about our experience as a couple of modern family guys. Funny thing though, it’s hard for a couple of modern day family guys to find to time to sit around and be creative. I can’t help but feel like we have so much unfinished business to discuss. In fact, Scotty is the only person in this work that I speak with on the phone for more than 15 mins at a time.

Although, there was that video we collabed on back in 2012 for the Transcona State of Mind contest we made some time for.

One thing I have learned over the years it that it’s more fun when Sully is there. Whether it was in the Jeep, flicking the spinner, or just straight up having a few drinks and singing with the Hip, Sully brought it.

Sully introduced me to my first love…no not sexy Gould…the Jeep.

Had a blast at your birthday, both visits. It was everything I thought it would be and more. The music was spot on and the food was awesome. So good to see everyone and you have done so well to surround yourself with so many amazing friends and family. So cool of Drew to show up too!

Happy birthday 50th birthday Sully, so happy to be able to share it with you.

Gould 5.0

This weekend was Bryan Gould’s 50th birthday and how can you go wrong with Minsky on planning and Timmy G on music? You can’t.

On the way home I was telling Shan and Sully just how lucky we are to celebrating our 50th birthdays with guys we grew up with. I am not sure many people have that. Sitting there watching guys come in the door like Vern, Ponch, Sully, Timmy, Peters, Tams, Ports, it made me realize how far we have all come. We were kids back then with no idea that these guys were going to be lifelong friends. That we were going to see them all get real jobs, new cars, girlfriends and wives, families of their own. – And right there at the center of it all is Bryan Gould. The rock of our group.

I credit Gould for bringing me into his friend group, the group that I am so grateful to call my own today. Bry taught me about friendship in a way that nobody else could have. It’s hard to explain when I think about it but he was always there without really being there. There when you needed him most and just within reach if you need him. We got drunk alot too and he is up for just about anything!

That time Ratty got us kicked out of Tulabi.

Like all the weddings, socials, and parties we have shared over the years it was a pleasure to share in your 50th buddy! I can’t wait to cut some tiles at your 60th. Three Pistols strong.

Swain 5.0

We lost Drew to the U.S.A. quite a few years back but he is still one of my most revered and influential friends. I love to see him when he is in town and other than some strange way of saying certain words it’s almost like he never left.

My best memories with Drew are forsure the camping trips. The family cottages, Cyr’s place, even May long weekend when we just got to see Drew on the first night.

Drew is a cheater at hockey though. One time we were all playing floor hockey at Norberry and we all had to go and buy these flimsy plastic sticks that we could bend ridiculous curves on. Drew decided that he could just tape an entire 6′ wooden stick and nobody would notice. He then proceeded to chop us down at will. You can see it in the first minute of The Lost Norberry Tapes. Still not sure how ever got that stick into his Celica.

Drew also has great taste in music and was certainly been my biggest influence musically in those days. He introduced me to Pearl Jam and the likes of Stone Temple Pilots. We also agreed on the Tragically Hip so we shared in all of those concerts over the years with the group as well. He showed me the best ways to download music and pirate movies like a real friend should.

I couldn’t celebrate 50 with you this year Drew as I know you are getting ready for another election. I thank you for always being a great friend and I look forward to seeing you soon…in Canada.

Grant 5.0

Joel and I have been friends since I wasn’t allowed to cross Des Meurons. At 5 ro 6 years old we were both driving BIG Wheels (Green Machine), we pretended we were Batman and Robin, Bo and Luke Duke, and we patolled the street as Ponch and Jon from Chips. Nowadays we are both driving Jeeps and not much else has changed really. People just get really confused when we pull them over.

This past weekend (Ok it’s January but…) we were finally able to get the guys together for a game of poker and brand it “Joel’s 50th Birthday”. I am sure it was everything he dreamed of and more. We picked up a cake (he couldn’t eat) and some Kraken (he shouldn’t drink)! Tyler even brought his Slurpee machine to make it a real party.

I am glad we got to recognize and share in your 50th year Joel. You have been a great friend for so many years and I am grateful to have you in my life after 50. Yeeeeeeeeehah.

Tams 5.0

Had a great time over at the Tam’s residence this past weekend to celebrate George’s 50th. How about those meatballs hey fellas?

I have known George since about grade 10 but we really started hanging out after high school. I have had so many good times with drunk George that I can’t remember them all. I am sure he can’t either. Great memories of George passed out, and the redness in his face just before that happens. The angry rants that he could drop about just about anything, and who could forget handing out beers to kids at Halloween (not his fault). George always has the best halloween costumes.

I think George may even have met Rachelle in the upstairs bedroom at my parents place on Handyside during a pre-game.

We have had many years of Nolan’s Hockey together, roller hockey, the countless camping trips. I am grateful for the years of friendship George, and I hope you had an amazing 50th birthday. Glad we could be a part of it.

Happy birthday buddy.

Peever 5.0

Peeverpalooza is officially over and now I can officially blame everything on my age. You know I will. I remember when I wanted to buy a Jeep and I told Shan “I don’t want to be 50 years taking the roof on and off a Jeep. I need to buy it now while I am 46, young and spry”. Pretty soon she will be putting on my socks.

It started by booking off Friday and heading out to Pat and Carla’s cabin for some chill time with the fam. Shan and Lexi were already there so Ash and I drove out with Pat so that we could help him launch the boat. Pauly met us there on Friday and we had a couple of nights to hang out and go fishing with Pat. Actually got in a good swim with Ashlyn just before we left. It would have been such a shame to be at that gorgeous lake and not jump in. Big thanks to Pat and Carla for having us, and extending our invitation to Paul as well. You guys always make us feel so welcome, care for our kids, and make the visits so easy and fun.

Saturday we drove back and we went to Tyler’s for a swim and some poker. Shan and Al had organized a little get together with Tyler and Mandy so we all arriveda little bit early to swim. Shan ordered a bunch of wings and then we played poker well into the morning. Big thanks to Mandy and Tyler for hosting – the cupcakes, the decorations, and of course the taco dip! Thanks to Al for organizing the poker and getting the guys together. Thanks to the guys who could make it out, I know how busy summer can be.

Sunday Paul and I went and watched Haddon play soccer and then got ready for a nice dinner at Frankie’s. If you haven’t been there, Nonna Maria’s Lasagna is to die for. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their dinner and desert for some, but it didn’t stop us from hitting up the Krispy Kreme right after. It felt good to get out for a nice sit down dinner with the kids.

Tuesday Paul had to head out and I had to work. After work Mom ordered up some Five Guys and Marcy and John met us at our place for a nice birthday dinner. It was great to have a night with family and take it all in.

50 feels different and I would be lying if I said otherwise. Its the age I would use if I was describing someone who is older than me and I wasn’t sure just how old they were.

“Aren’t they like, 50?” I would say.

I am a little slower getting out of bed, even slower on the ice, and I take note of all the little aches and pains. Each time wondering if they are here to stay like the grey in my beard and the puffiness under my eyes.

Still lot’s to accomplish and so much more to reflect on.

Dickenson 5.0

Mike and I started hanging out shortly after high school. He was living with Ponch on Osborne for stint and we were over there a lot back in the day. When I think about Mike back when I first met him it’s like a whole different person. This guy had the long skater hair and liked to party. When you went to the bar with Mike back then you travelled together, but once you actually got inside he was gone! I really don’t know where he went but I would catch a glimpse of him talking to a group of girls, or he would join the circle if we were out dancing to the Hip, but other than that I still don’t know where he would disappear to. On one of these nights he literally bumped into Tara and the rest is history for them.

We got a lot closer over the years and as we spent more time together I also fell in love with Mike’s family. I was invited to many dinners, camping trips, and parties at JD’s. In the morning JD would make us all breakfast. I was always treated like one of the family.

On the ice not so much. Mike and I have always clashed at hockey. He’s a good aggressive forward and I am a less skilled, heavier defenceman who doesn’t like to be walked. We have had some good battles over the years and luckily charges have never be pressed.

After hockey one day Mike informed me that Shannon was moving out of her apartment and subsequently the relationship that came with it. I was single at the time and responded simply “does she know me?” – I ended up helping Mike and JD move Shan out and now we are brothers! There was a little more to it than that and I respectfully asked Mike’s permission to pursue things with his sister that night she seduced me on the dance floor at the Tiajuana Night Club. But that is a story for another time.

Today, Mike is 50 and last week Tara lined up a wicked party at the Times Change Outdoor Patio. It was great to hang out with him there and celebrate his 50th birthday in style. Mike, I am so proud of the person you have become and wish you nothing but the best to come on your 50th birthday.

Beers 5.0

Gary and I go waaaaaaaaay back to family birthdays in Charleswood slamming pool balls around the table in his basement to Sunday night dinners on Hector. I always looked forward to having him there to hang out with. It was back in the days where if you left the house your parents had no way of knowing where you were, or when you would be back. We would disappear to the park to at the end of the street to play catch or chat up the Fort Rouge kids.

I remember a time I was sleeping over at his place and he took me “frogging”. I think it was a little place in Charleswood called Beaver Creek or something like that. It was the first time I had ever caught frog to be honest and it seemed like old hat for Gary. Must have been a Charleswood thing.

Now we are 50 and birthdays look a little but different. Bo and the kids did an amazing job putting together a casino themed event that was spectactular. There was Blackjack and Roulette tables, amazing food and drink (thank you Julia), and it was great to see so many family members, and friends. Shannon and I had a blast. Who would have thought we would be working and playing hockey together after all these years.

Happy 50th Birthday Gary! So proud of all you have accomplished over the last 50 years and I can’t wait to see where it takes you.

Ponch 5.0

No party for this guy but we need to do something. I started hanging out with Ponch in what I could only describe as my “Party Days”. It was a time when life consisted of nothing but work and play. Go to work, play hockey, eat wings at Manhattans, drink, and hang with the boys. Sometimes girls too if we were lucky.

Ponch and Drew were the first to get to their own place and it quickly turned into a hangout for us too. They had this tiny little apartment in Osborne Village where the property was cheap. We used to “start there” before going out and usually ended up back there after, at least to some capacity. I have so many good memories from that place. Buzzing in at the door “Bernalap Schnip Schnap”, “Kegleeeeeeeeer”. Kent smashing the main door glass from banging on it and yelling “LET US IN” and then a trail of blood to the apartment door.

Back in 1996 I landed (2) tickets to the last ever Winnipeg Jets game in the Winnipeg Arena. Ponch is a huge Jets fan and I knew there was nobody who would appreciate that experience more than him and I have always been grateful to have shared that experience with him. It was a magical night in more ways than one because I also think that was night Ponch found Mel so the timing could not have been better.

From there came the Morley and Mulvey houses and again it must have been somewhat annoying how much we were there. A home away from home and the guys were always happy to see us, or at least it always felt as such. In fact Ponch was the first man in Winnipeg to get the internet so he would let us go on there and talk to men pretending to be girls and allow us to see dirty images that loaded one line at a time. I remember one night the Tragicaly Hip released Ahead By A Century and we clicked the download button, went to the bar, and came back home to listen to the track like magic. It was glorious times.

He’s a guy you want on your team and he makes a helluva onion dip. Happy 50th birthday my friend.