Category - Yada, Yada, Yada

Nolans Hockey 2012-13

As you all know Porter and I reluctantly retired from the GM position of picking teams at the end of last season. This year we wanted to try something a little different with the teams so Mikey and G stepped up into the GM roles. This year they will pick their team from our list of regulars and that will be their team all year. For the most part this is how it went for the last couple of years anyway except for a couple small changes each week. The changes this year will come in the form of spares, negotiations, and trades.

I think this is going to be fun but who knows…it might suck. Feel free to let me know and if enough guys just hate it we can always go back to the way it’s always been (which I always love anyway).

No More Time…

No more time to smell the flowers.

School has started and it’s been nutty around here. Shan and I are both at new schools and the girls are getting used to full-time daycare. I am so proud of them for adjusting so well. This weekend you could really tell how much they were missing us so we made sure to keep them close to home.

So far I am really liking General Byng. There are some big challenges there but the staff is amazing and I am looking forward to a great year.