Peever 5.0

Peeverpalooza is officially over and now I can officially blame everything on my age. You know I will. I remember when I wanted to buy a Jeep and I told Shan “I don’t want to be 50 years taking the roof on and off a Jeep. I need to buy it now while I am 46, young and spry”. Pretty soon she will be putting on my socks.

It started by booking off Friday and heading out to Pat and Carla’s cabin for some chill time with the fam. Shan and Lexi were already there so Ash and I drove out with Pat so that we could help him launch the boat. Pauly met us there on Friday and we had a couple of nights to hang out and go fishing with Pat. Actually got in a good swim with Ashlyn just before we left. It would have been such a shame to be at that gorgeous lake and not jump in. Big thanks to Pat and Carla for having us, and extending our invitation to Paul as well. You guys always make us feel so welcome, care for our kids, and make the visits so easy and fun.

Saturday we drove back and we went to Tyler’s for a swim and some poker. Shan and Al had organized a little get together with Tyler and Mandy so we all arriveda little bit early to swim. Shan ordered a bunch of wings and then we played poker well into the morning. Big thanks to Mandy and Tyler for hosting – the cupcakes, the decorations, and of course the taco dip! Thanks to Al for organizing the poker and getting the guys together. Thanks to the guys who could make it out, I know how busy summer can be.

Sunday Paul and I went and watched Haddon play soccer and then got ready for a nice dinner at Frankie’s. If you haven’t been there, Nonna Maria’s Lasagna is to die for. Everyone seemed to really enjoy their dinner and desert for some, but it didn’t stop us from hitting up the Krispy Kreme right after. It felt good to get out for a nice sit down dinner with the kids.

Tuesday Paul had to head out and I had to work. After work Mom ordered up some Five Guys and Marcy and John met us at our place for a nice birthday dinner. It was great to have a night with family and take it all in.

50 feels different and I would be lying if I said otherwise. Its the age I would use if I was describing someone who is older than me and I wasn’t sure just how old they were.

“Aren’t they like, 50?” I would say.

I am a little slower getting out of bed, even slower on the ice, and I take note of all the little aches and pains. Each time wondering if they are here to stay like the grey in my beard and the puffiness under my eyes.

Still lot’s to accomplish and so much more to reflect on.

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