Chistmas has come and gone and it’s time to open our arms and welcome in 2024.
My new years resolution as always is to write more and wash my legs below the knee. To stretch more, harness patience with my people, and give less f*cks about the things I can’t control.
We had an awesome holiday break and Christmas morning was awesome. It was the first time for this family that we opened presents in daylight. The kids slept in until almost 9AM. This year Ashlyn is back on the gecko train so after some thoughtful considerations we decided to open that door…again. It was hard to conceal a big terrarium so I did my best to convince her the big present under the tree was Mom’s (just like last year). Lexi had her heart set on some kind of insoles that make you jump higher that cost way too much so we said “Noooooope”. Actually we kind of talked her out of it by letting her know that we could satisfy much more of her PowerPoint presentation if we went without the gimmicky insoles.
It was also fun to shop for a Gecko after Christmas with Ashlyn. We ended up connecting with the person who bought Ashlyn’s gecko (Charlotte) who works at a pet store. She sent me a couple pictures that peaked Ashlyn’s interest and we went down to pick him up. Everyone, this is “Cricket”…

‘ wash my legs ‘. classic N Y resolution
Not too sure why I decided to check out your site this morning Tom, but so happy that I did! Love, love, love reading your posts. So please do your best to keep writing and sharing yourself and your family in this way. Your posts are authentic, from your heart and you are such a beautiful, creative writer. I remember way back when, when you and Shan were dating, that I tapped into your site and began to read your posts. It was through reading these that I got a true sense of who you are as a Man, and understood why my daughter fell in love with you. Love you